mailbag going craaazy. love it, dillon

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As an elder Gen Z (1997) allow me to say it's not solely an old-young divide on how to pay. I've gotten to the point in my life where I'm successful enough that it's just not worth the hassle to itemize receipts or bust out separate checks. Provided everyone's dishes came out to roughly the same cost, just split it out X ways and if there is some extra, we'll pick up a round for each other at the next spot.

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Mar 27·edited Mar 27

Incredible insight into Pizza Etiquette. An unspoken rule we’ve all known but never said. Thank you for raising awareness.

My only caveat/exception would be if you ordered a 50/50 pizza (ex: half cheese half pep). In that case the cheese orderer is disallowed from having a pep slice without further negotiation.

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